Turbinate Surgery, Mutocomia, Budapest, XVI. kerület (Ear nose and throat) 1 clinics' services (4 Ear nose and throat specialist)
Description, questions
Ferdülés the nasal septum may be associated with the contralateral turbinate enlargement. Allergic and vasomotor rhinitis may result in abnormal enlargement of the lower turbinate. In such cases, you need to turbinate kisebbítésére. The surface anesthesia procedures are performed or alatatásban.
Árvai-Barta MED Egészségcentrum
Dermatologist Internist Gastroenterologist Naturopathic doctor Proctologist Dietetic Ear nose and throat specialist Allergist Vascular surgeon Acupuncturist Geneticist Neurosurgeon Cardiologist Nephrologist Oncologist Surgeon Heart surgeon Pulmonologist Homeopathic doctor Kinesiologist Diabetologist
1165 Budapest, Nyílhegy u. 4.